i love my clients! 

Sonnet is a godsend! She magically transformed my chaotic bedroom, closet and bathroom into a picture perfect living space. Her organizational skills are so well thought-out and she truly maximized the space I have in a way that creates a lot of open space as well, so despite me having so many things, it looks open and airy. Can’t recommend her enough!
— Elena A, CO
I do not know how I could have accomplished my recent downsizing move without Sonnet Grant. I moved from a 1357 sq foot condo to a 720 sq ft apartment in Independent living. Sonnet was with me every step of the way.

Sonnet organized taking items to a consignment shop, taking donations to Sister Carmen, reserving a moving company, and packing and labelling everything being moved. She showed the movers where to place everything and then she unpacked, hung pictures, and quickly made me feel at home in my new place.

Sonnet is kind, cheerful, efficient, knowledgable, organized, punctual, hard-working, and inspiring.

If you want to make your life easier, I recommend hiring Sonnet, absolutely; for moving, organizing, making spreadsheets, teaching you how to use your computer, or anything related to professional organizing. Her work is worth every penny.
— Jean N., 78 years young, Boulder, CO
I have known Sonnet for many years. Upon first meeting Sonnet you are struck by her kindness, intelligence and how carefully she listens to your wants and needs. I first hired Sonnet to help me clean out a 2,600 sq foot home which was full of clutter. It was difficult for me to distinguish what to keep, throw away or donate. Personally I was overwhelmed. Sonnet wasn’t. She was extremely organized on how to approach the problem. Systematically she set up a plan and got the resources together to help her.

She even went beyond my expectations when she found some paintings hidden in a closet. She researched the painter and found that she was a well-known Boulder painter who had some paintings hanging up at the CU art museum. She called the CU art museum and set up an appointment for them to see the paintings. Once seeing the paintings they were interested to include them in their collection. She also contacted an art collector in Denver for the art pieces CU did not want.

For a Conservator, who has to account for every penny spent, her invoicing was precise which also makes my job easier. I highly recommend Sonnet for her knowledge, work ethic and organizing skills. I trust her completely.

— Christina Ebner, Ebner Fiduciary, Inc.
I have been struggling with trying to rid my house of all the excess stuff I’ve collected over the 39 years I’ve lived in it and have always felt too overwhelmed to even start.
Sonnet has been both gentle and ruthless in weeding out unused, and unwanted items. She’s gentle when I’m not sure if I want to keep something but ruthless in helping me decide if that item is still working for me or is just taking up space. In the 6 months I’ve been working with her bi-monthly, she has encouraged me to donate or throw away anything I no longer use or wear and it has made such a difference in the feel of my home as well as my life. She also saves me the time and trouble of taking things to donation, Charm, ReSource, and Hazardous Materials - she makes it all magically disappear! I highly recommend Sonnet!
— Janine T...Boulder, CO
Having to clear out hoarder houses or those of collectors of everything is overwhelming. And, when I walked into a client’s home where the previous occupant had been purchasing numerous duplicates of every type of item imaginable (i.e., 10,000+ pairs of socks), I was so pleased to have Sonnet Grant working alongside me. Sonnet knows how to move quickly through mountains of any type of item, be it in a home, garage, yard, or storage unit. She has relationships with many charities and food banks and knows which would benefit from and be happy to accept the various items crammed into homes and garages. And for the articles that need to be recycled or disposed of –she knows all the right outlets.

Sonnet stays even tempered and calm. I’ve witnessed her exceptional patience with some crass and/or unreasonable behavior of those whom we serve. When asked about selling or giving away a piece of furniture that needs to go, I barely voice my request and Sonnet has posted the item and set up the pickup. She arrives fully prepared with the supplies needed to pack and move all, including her large SUV. She has a can-do approach, so I’ve asked Sonnet to help with more than just emptying spaces. When one of my cleared-out homes needed to be set up for an event, she demonstrated her vision and creative side, and technical expertise. Sonnet is truly a godsend!
— Claire Morrow, Caring Stewardship Corp, Broomfield, CO
I requested to work with Sonnet for several reasons: the way in which she supported my son’s healing after a severe car accident; her focused attention, observation and calm when she listens to anyone speak; her website and her in person description of how she works with others. For me the key word she employs is support.
She asked me why I was asking to work with her. I responded. I knew by the quality of her active listening and probing questions that we had already begun.
Our interaction felt as organic as good conversation of unusual depths do. Sonnet’s firm boundaries supported our interactions: we stayed on task however uneasy; however much I might want her to share her personal experience, she kept the focus on me.
A year later, the effects of her support are clear. I am confident in assessing my situation both financially and emotionally. I trust my feelings. I can face the past without shame or self-attack.
It’s hard for me to define how her process works—it’s a bit mysterious! And it is comprised of love and authenticity, a combination that is gold.
— - Frances C, Paris France, 73 years old
I am so pleased with the help I got from Sonnet. I hired her to help me organize my house and it was the best thing that has happened in a long time. She has great ideas for de-cluttering that work really well. I had not “organized” much since I moved into my house 3 years ago. I was in a panic to get the house in order so I could have a memorial service for my daughter at the house. We worked together and got everything done! She is so great to work with and has such a positive, non- judgmental attitude. She had great suggestions for organizing that I will continue to use! My house is in order and my stress level went down about 100%. Thank you Sonnet !

I would recommend Sonnet Grant to all of my friends. As a matter of fact, 2 of them want to hire her for their houses!
— Jane R., Longmont, CO
“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they’re doing.”

Sonnet’s innovative process, coupled with an astounding ingenuity, cultivates an efficient and enjoyable workplace. She effortlessly carries the work with her buoyant personality. The attentiveness for her clients and co-workers shows how much she cares about what she does. When we need organizing done well, we call Sonnet. She’s the best organizer in Boulder County!!!
— Lion Turtle Moving Company, Boulder, CO
Having Sonnet come to my home and help me de-clutter, organize, and set intentions and goals, was one of the wisest investments I have ever made. She is very chill, non judgemental and a joy to be around. Not only did we accomplish a great deal, we had a lot of good laughs too.
Now, when I am tempted to save lots of magazines or rubber bands, I ask myself
“ What would Sonnet do?”.
She will help you make very positive changes in your life!
— Mo Nichols, 80 years old, La Jolla, CA
Sonnet has turned my life around. Not only has she helped me with visits to doctors and providing a second pair of ears, she has provided common sense advice during our breaks between appointments and on our drives to the doctors. This has been invaluable. Her gentle advice has motivated me to look at my life in a different and more practical way.

Sonnet has also been so incredibly helpful organizing my home. I have discarded so many things and feel a huge sense of relief. She offers her advice in a gentle and non-judgmental way, not forceful or insistent at all. She simply asks the right questions that make you think and evaluate whether the item is worth keeping.

I whole-heartedly recommend Sonnet if you are looking for change and improvement in your life. She has certainly changed mine for the better.
— Meredith Callahan, 68 yrs old, Boulder, CO
I have had the pleasure of working with Sonnet for several years. I believe I am a fairly organized person and yet there are just times in life when I struggle to face certain tasks. This is where Sonnet comes in and gives me an energetic make-over. You rarely meet someone who is a supportive, compassionate, non-judgmental sweetheart and yet also will kick your ass. This is what I need. I am grateful for the skills she has taught me and feel much more confident and motivated these days to tackle things on my own. I want to make her proud, but most of all it just feels good to make myself proud.
— Ana Rogers, 42 yrs old, Honolulu, HI
Taking part in transformative coaching was a very life enhancing experience. It allowed me to visualize and open up to positivity and possibility. Sonnet guided me to transform once negative moments into moments of learning and growth. Thank you for helping to open my heart to the universe so I can move past issues that might have been holding me back and move forward to pursing my goals.
— Elsie S., 33 yrs old, San Francisco, CA
Working with Sonnet has allowed me to grow in several areas of my life. She has provided me with insight on how to make improvements in fitness and in attitude. She uses her real life experiences when teaching which has helped me to feel connected and coming back for more classes.
— Trisha M. Guillermo, 52 yrs old, Honolulu, HI
I appreciate Sonnet and her coaching, as it is helping me get through this rough patch in my life. She is a very easy person to talk and relate to, and someone I can count on. After my coaching sessions, I always feel rejuvenated and refreshed, ready to tackle the busy days ahead. It’s always a good feeling to know that I have someone supporting me, and who can see my potential when I can’t. Her coaching has set me on the path towards my best self, and I am grateful for the positivity and light she brings into my life.
— Angel D., 27 yrs old, Wahiawa, HI
Changing your mindset is always challenging, but Sonnet makes it easy to talk through the “why” and “what,” and look at how to change the “now” to see positive results. After working with Sonnet, my thought process is starting to focus on what I want as opposed to what I don’t want, and how that changes my environment! I would definitely recommend transformative coaching.
— Caryn R, Kailua, HI
Sonnet has an inner light that shines positivity, grace and humbleness while she encourages greatness in her clients. She is the first trainer/coach that has helped me get a handle on my struggles with nutrition, food relationships and emotional eating. Since starting my weight management journey I have lost 10” in my waistline and over 50lbs on the scale! I give my highest recommendation to Sonnet if you are seeking a trainer/coach.
— David G, Honolulu, HI
On Strength & Wellness Group:
I had tried to work out at home alone—using the weights we have or following a video. And I found out that I was lonely and not having fun. By working out with a Blue Lotus Fitness Group, I not only made new friends, but I found myself looking forward to the workouts.
You never know what to expect. It’s easy to get scared if you know you have to do certain exercises. But when I see the board with the workout of the day posted on it, I don’t have time to be so scared, and I am with a group to try everything new. The best result I have seen is increased strength—legs, arms, core—and I have experienced a renewed positive attitude towards exercise!
— April Coloretti, 49 yrs old, Hawaii Kai, HI
I was 16lbs heavier than I wanted to be a few months ago and I also wanted to have a more positive view about my body.

I have worked out with a few individual trainers over the past 8 years here on Oahu and was successful in losing a few pounds, but only for short periods of time.

I met Sonnet at the Kailua beach bootcamp and was very impressed with her class and her teaching skills. She taught workouts for the beginner to the seasoned athlete incorporating strength training, cardio, plyometrics and more.

For the past 3 months she has been coming to my home twice a week for an individual training. She is very generous with her time, never in a hurry. She is spot on with correct body positioning, throughout the entire workout. She is informative on what muscle or muscle groups you are working. An excellent teacher. Definitely knows her anatomy and physiology.

Sonnet has completely changed the way I think about food & exercise. Overall I feel much better about my body. Transformative is one of the words used in her company’s title and I think it is very fitting. I feel like I am in the process of changing not only my outward appearance, but my inside as well. Sonnet’s approach is completely unique and very refreshing. She is passionate about helping you understand how to nourish your body, both physically and emotionally.

I could go on and on about how insightful, kind, compassionate, beautiful, awesome and refreshing Sonnet is, but I won’t. You need to meet her for yourself, to experience her wonderful energy!!
— Maureen S. , 58 yrs old, Kailua, HI
I would like to thank this amazing lady for helping me with my journey! In the past five weeks she’s helped me reach so many of my goals and with her guidance...I plan on reaching a few more. Thank you Sonnet for being there for me and pushing me to be a better/healthier person inside and out. You have not only had an impact on my life, but on the life of my children. I am grateful for everything you’ve done for me. You’re not only my health coach but a true friend. You have changed my life for the better and I cannot thank you enough.”
— Amber Grado, 31 yrs old, Honolulu, HI
“Outdoor workouts are the best! Everyone is positive and supportive. Sonnet always makes sure the workouts are challenging with a variety of routines and equipment, and provides modifications when needed ..... definitely feel much stronger since starting. So appreciative!”

— Caryn R, Kailua, HI
I think that the name ‘Boot Camp’ scares people away. But Sonnet is so sweet and she makes exercise really fun! And that’s coming from someone who never exercised regularly. I would say I have enjoyed the encouragement and camaraderie, all the while building up strength and stamina that I didn’t have before.

Since starting bootcamp, I can go hiking and not be the last one like I used to be. I am faster or have more stamina than some adult men. I don’t let my age be the excuse for not being physically active.

— Susan Imae, 55 yrs old, Honolulu, HI
Love that the classes are held outdoors near the beach; it makes working out much more enjoyable and fun. Also I appreciate the smaller class sizes. I love the fact that modifications are offered and that you always encourage us to listen to our bodies. There are days when I have to slow down and there are days when I can go on and on, and I appreciate the extra push to go hard and that its okay to go slow if I need to.

Since starting bootcamp I have noticed that I am able to run for longer distances without stopping and I also notice increase in strength (arms, legs, abdominals).

— Angel Decierdo, Honolulu, HI
I would be so tired after work. I tell my friends it’s “mommy tired” because after a full time job...you go home to your other full time job! But convincing myself to go to Blue Lotus Fitness Bootcamp always pays off. A hard earned sweat means a better sleep! I have a long journey to losing the mommy weight, and it’s fun to be on this journey with all of the other bootcampers. Blue Lotus Fitness, Sonnet, and her other coaches provide a safe environment to challenge myself and get stronger a little by little, day by day. Blue Lotus Fitness Bootcamp challenges me to try things I wrongly believed I could not do! I like the challenge!

My favorite things about bootcamp are: the friendships I have made, the fact that I can now hold plank for over 90 seconds and Sonnet!!!!
— April Coloretti, 49 yrs old, Hawaii Kai, HI
Bootcamp helped me become strong physically but also mentally and emotionally. The positive energy from Sonnet, the outdoor atmosphere (sunsets at Magic Island), and even with the group of women I was around really made me feel invigorated and energized. It provided me with a much more positive experience than that of being at Crossfit or the DUT classes at UFC. I think the combination of the factors mentioned above, plus the amazing and fun workouts, made me feel like I was having a COMPLETE work out. Being in bootcamp was empowering — it gave me confidence and I’ve made friendships along the way. The journey is truly remarkable and I so wish that I wasn’t moving out-of-state, because I would continue with bootcamp every week if I could.

My favorite things about bootcamp are:

1. Being outside!
2. Being at the beach!
3. Sonnet is such a great and sweet coach
4. The other ladies are awesome and easy going
5. Good variety of working out different parts of the body (never boring)

I also did two Transformative Coaching sessions. I was semi skeptical at the very first session, thinking “this is a little weird...” but later when I applied what I learned into real life, it actually WORKED. I was able to assert a level of calmness that I hadn’t been able to do before, and I have Sonnet to thank for that!
— Jen Gamiao, 38 yrs old, San Francisco/Honolulu
I just wanted to send my aloha and my sincerest appreciation to you for all that you have done for me. Your beautiful smile and encouraging spirit has allowed me to accomplish things I never thought were possible. You have inspired me to want to learn more about living a healthy lifestyle and actually doing it! I will be forever grateful for all you have done. You are an angel!
— Lilinoe K., Honolulu, HI
I was the happy recipient of Sonnet’s outstanding personal training and coaching expertise getting me active again. In my earlier, life I was running marathons, swimming, backpacking, etc. But later I became complacent, watching too much football and drinking beer. I became overweight and heading on a downward spiral. I was conflicted between knowing what I should be doing and doing it, and hating myself over eating ice cream or having a beer. Then I met Sonnet. She whipped me into shape. More importantly, she provided motivation to transform my inactive life to a one with regular exercise. I lost 15 lbs, quickened my 5k pace by over 1 min 30 sec per mile, and regained strength. Then, after major back surgery from a congenital spine defect, she got me back on my feet to pursue my goals, and gave me the confidence to take it to the next level of running 8 to 10K trail races and biathlons. I can’t thank Sonnet enough for helping me out the way she did. She made a positive impact on my life which I will always be indebted.
— Rick S, Kailua, HI